


Do you ever feel lost?  Maybe you were adopted or put in foster homes/orphanage when you were young?  Maybe you were not, didn't really feel a part of everything.  Maybe you were one of the popular kids in high school, but now that you're all grown up, you don't know where you belong.  Maybe you just lost a loved one with whom you felt so comfortable... so at home.

I think all of us are lost at some point in our lives - just trying to find out where we belong in this world.  You are not alone in this feeling.  It's a natural phase of life that we experience at different ages in life, and, some of us experience this feeling multiple times in our lives.  It simply means that you care about where you're going in this life.

It might help by start picturing who you want to be and visualizing your life as if your ideal life were today.  What would help you feel less lost.  Picture having again that person you miss.  It's OK to feel, though it may be hard.  Just notice every feeling, sensation, emotion, touch.  It may hurt, but at least you're feeling something.  Feeling something helps us feel more human.

What do you love?  What do you enjoy doing?  What would you enjoy doing for a career if it paid what you needed to take care of yourself/your family?  Think about it for a few minutes before judging your choices.  Just think, imagine and FEEL GOOD.  Imagine the life of your dreams?  Where would you be?  With whom would you be?  What would you be doing?  That's a start.

If you need any more help, just reach out.

Lisa Starr
Life/Corporate Coach
[email protected]

 According to the Archives of General Psychiatry (as quoted on various websites including http://1.usa.gov/RLcshn), 20.9 million adults have a mood disorder in any given year and the average onset of mood disorder is 30.

WOW!  Can you believe that almost 21 million people have a mood disorder RIGHT NOW?!  In the American Heritage Medical Dictionary, mood disorder is described as: "Any of a group of psychiatric disorders, including depression and bipolar disorder, characterized by a pervasive disturbance of mood that is not caused by an organic abnormality. Also called affective disorder.(qtd by: http://medical-dictionary.thefreedictionary.com/mood+disorder)

Because there are so many people suffering from depression, anxiety, bipolar disorders, etc. - Let me start by saying that it's not an easy fix.  Yet, it also doesn't have to be so difficult to start doing what you can to help yourself and your life a little bit.  Many times, medication can help.  Many times, seeing a therapist can help.  Sometimes, these situations may be difficult to totally remove from your life.

Bob Proctor, in The Secret (both movie and book), stated that "disease" (which can apply to the word "disorder" as well) is just that - DIS- ease.  Sometimes, or Bob would say all of the time, when you have a disease or disorder, there is something about your life that is not in order or you are not at ease.  STOP for a moment....

What in your life is not in order?  What in yourself are you not at ease about?  Is it in your relationships?  Money? Your body? Something that happened when you were young?  Something in your life that is STILL happening? 

I invite you, when you have 5 or 10 extra minutes, to just brainstorm.  If you ever took a creative writing class in school, you might have done this before, maybe many times.  Just write everything that comes to your mind.  Don't judge.  Maybe it's not related (or is, but you don't think it is).  Just write.  Time yourself, so you're not distracted by looking at the time every few seconds.  Then, take a look at what you wrote and think about what may be wrong. 

Now, I invite you to take another 5 or 10 minutes by brainstorming what's RIGHT in your life.  What makes you happy?  What do you just love to do that don't get the time to do, or don't allow yourself the pleasure to do (I know that I tend to be a workaholic and sometimes avoid what I love to do the most because it interferes with what needs to get done)

Next, whenever you get too stressed out about some of the things on your first list, give yourself a time out (I know these were a bad thing as children) to do one of the things that makes you happy.  It may only take 5-10 minutes and it may take longer, but, the point is, when you're doing things that make you happy, you feel good.  And in feeling good, you're allowing the Universe (or God) to bring more goodness into your life.  The more time you make in your life for goodness, the more goodness will flow into your life, and the less time you'll have for the badness in your life.

Lisa Starr
Life/Corporate Coach

P.S. I'm not saying the above solution will fix all of your problems.  All I'm saying is that it's a place to start, and a good way to take a little break.  Who knows, for you, it may begin a new direction to a new positive life.