We all know our physical muscles/senses: touch, taste, hearing, seeing, and smelling.  Yet how many of us know our mental muscles.  These are the parts of ourselves that we often don't strengthen.  Yet, if we do, our lives are a lot stronger, in various ways.

I don't know how else to introduce them.  Let's just delve into it.  Our mental muscles are (drumroll): reason, imagination, perspective, memory and intuition.  Now that I've mentioned them, think of how powerful these mental muscles are if we use them.  They make our lives a whole lot richer.

Reason is our thinking ability.  This is what sets humans apart from the rest of the animal kingdom.  There are other animals that talk, walk, use sign language and do many other things that we humans do.  Yet, try to think of a single animal that can reason.  I can't think of any, can you?

Imagination is very powerful, as we can all agree.  According to the Law of Attraction, it's your imagination that is a very important part of the creative process.  What you imagine, if believed in and worked smart enough, YOU CAN ACHIEVE!  Imagination is another word for visualization.  Some would say that to imagine is the only real thinking.

Perspective is a valuable asset.  Writers and readers know the importance of perspective.  For example, the book Wizard of Oz is a very different book than Wicked, which is also a very different story than The Great and Powerful Oz.  Yet, the story and characters are pretty much the same, but the emphasis placed on different parts of the story, or different characters in this case.  The more we are able to see others' points of view, the more we can get the whole picture.

Memory is a mental muscle probably most forgotten.  Many people say they have a bad memory, yet, memory is simply a muscle.  If I don't have strong triceps muscles, generally I would do different exercises to strengthen that group of muscles.  Why don't we think about strengthening our memory, though we probably know of others with Alzheimer's Disease or Dementia (common products of not strengthening that mental muscle)?

Last and certainly not least is intuition.  We probably use this more as a whole, without realizing it.  Let's say a teenager walks into the door and a mother asks, "What's wrong?" and the teen says, "Nothing."  It's the intuitive mental muscle that tells you there's something wrong in the first place.  We learn many things in social settings based on our intuition.  Sometimes our self-esteem is aided or hindered through what we feel intuitively is others' reactions to us.

Now that you know that these mental muscles exist, if you didn't before, what do you do with that knowledge?  I could tell you exercises to try, but why not think of some games yourself?  It will be much more fun and will stick more in your head that way.

If you still need help, feel free to e-mail me.

Lisa Starr
Life/Business Coach
[email protected]

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